Monday, November 29, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude!

Sometimes I think, REALLY!!!! How can one be grateful when people are so disrespectful!!! How can I be grateful when I am so tired because of that disrespect??? How can I be grateful when people are not real around me??? How can I be grateful when nothing seems to be working out in my life??? And the people who's space I am in are not people I want to to spend my time with and feel like a slave to their world??

Sometimes I think it will be impossible to muster up a good feeling, when it has been my whole life that complaining has been a regular part of when things are not the way I like them (because I think that everyone should live in an environment that is good for them and that makes them happy or they are not really being true to themselves!

I am working on it though, I spend a few minutes every morning and evening writing out things that I am grateful for in hopes that it will shift my mind and change my thoughts to those beautiful things and I can forget the things I don't like all the while focusing on and receiving more of the things I do like so I can attract more of that in my life! Then my life will have changed for the better!

Today, since being woken up at 5:30 of the noise of a person or persons that own the house I am living in,in a bed that gives me so much back pain every night so I wake up sore and stiff every morning! I thought: What do I have to be grateful for????? So I did not write in my gratitude journal, and I have been tense and angry ever since!! Why? Because that is all I am focusing on. SO now I am going to write a few things I am grateful for here rather than my journal so you too can see the simplicity of it and maybe we will both get a change in attitude :)

~I am grateful for my mother and her love!
~I am grateful for the early Christmas dinner with my brother's girlfriends family (lucky for me, I am single without kids or they wouldn't have sorry for me! lol!)
~I am grateful for the prospect of finding my own place in the new year! :)
~I am grateful for the ability to read and write!
~I am grateful for the desire to do more with my life!
~I am grateful for healthy teeth to brush!
~I am grateful to wake up with full health every day!
~I am grateful I have a roof over my head and food to eat :)

Usually I only write out three things in the morning because there hasn't been much going on since I wrote the night before, but today I have been up for a little while so I needed to write a few more to get me out of my foul mood! :)

The thing is, I have learned that two thoughts cannot be in your head at once, so if you are feeling gratitude for something you cannot at the same time be grumpy or angry it is impossible!!! So on those days I am feeling yuk! then I just write out more things to be grateful for then I can shift my attitude and change my life!!

I hope that has been helpful to you~ Not the most conventional method of writing about the topic I guess but as I grow spiritually so will my writing ;)

Have a great day and feel free to subscribe to my blog!


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